To find index of a element in array often we use statement for by next way:
static int SearchIndexOfItemInArray_via_for(int[] data, int foundItemValue)C# (2.0) suggests another way to search index of element with help of method Array.FindIndex and delegate:
int itemIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
if (foundItemValue == data[i])
itemIndex = i;
return itemIndex;
static int SearchIndexOfItemInArray_via_FindIndex(int[] data, int foundItemValue)Additional links:
return Array.FindIndex(data, delegate(int item)
return item == foundItemValue;
Array..::.FindIndex<(Of <(T>)>) Generic Method (array<T>[]()[], Predicate<(Of <(T>)>))
1 comment:
Nice example and counter-example. Much easier to follow than say, the MSDN page.
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